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The Best American Food Writing Essays

by Mariner Books

Dooooooods! Spectacularly excited to tell you that my essay on my favorite Punjabi dhaba and what food means to us immigrants that @mchadburn so kindly edited for @highcountrynews was selected by @markbittman — yes THAT Bittman!—for @marinerbooks #bestamericanessays in #foodwriting ! Whaaaaaa? Yes, yes, yes! 😂Thank you @bearguerra for the amazing photos, and @punjabitandoor5 for your grace, honesty and words that made this essay so special. As always thank you @silviakillings for grace and support ♥️ — it’s out in October 2023 and I shall be soaking up this joy for now. #markbittman #madhushreeghosh #baefoodwriting #bae

Literary Representation

Dana Newman Literary Agency
1800 Avenue of the Stars, 12th Floor
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County 90067, USA

Publisher, "Khabaar: An Immigrant Journey of Food, Memory and Family"

University of Iowa Press
119 W. Park Road, 100 Kuhl House, Iowa City IA 52242-1000
Ph: 800-621-2736