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On Publishing, Supply Chain, & Other Pandemic Concerns

Did you hoard (toilet) paper? Be honest.

Hi, hi!
It’s the same ole, same ole, isn’t it? But hey, we have vaccines, boosters, flu vaccines and many options that can help us stay alive. It’s up to us on how much common sense we have to want to stay alive, don’t you think? And yes, we’ve heard about the pros and cons of vax/no-vax and frankly, we all have COVID and Zoom-fatigue so I won’t subject you to that.

It Only Took Two Decades

Instead, I thought to give you some pub news for my book, Khabaar: An Immigrant Journey. The print galleys are here! What does that mean, you ask? It’s the step before the publishers give the go-ahead to print and a pub date. Is this amazing? YES! Is this fantastic? DOUBLE YES! I mean, you only are a debut author once, so why not now? Why not in a pandemic? Why not, eh? So, yup, the pages showed up on my birthday —my second in this wonderful pandemic—and it was a treat. Here it is below alongside Diaspora Co’s amazing kitchen towels (you need to get them stat and I’ll talk more about them in the next newsletter).

Literary Representation

Dana Newman Literary Agency
1800 Avenue of the Stars, 12th Floor
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County 90067, USA

Publisher, "Khabaar: An Immigrant Journey of Food, Memory and Family"

University of Iowa Press
119 W. Park Road, 100 Kuhl House, Iowa City IA 52242-1000
Ph: 800-621-2736